Choosing a sea kayak..
At Meridian Kayak we strive to provide the best design options for todays paddlers. From peaceful quiet flat water to the extreme adventurer on the open sea,
Sea kayaks and accessories
Which sea kayak ? or Choosing the most appropriate kayak for yourself.
- Novice Paddlers:
- Experienced Paddlers:
- Leaders / Instructor:
Beginner or expert
These various levels do not refer so much to the skills possessed by the paddler but more to the intended use of the sea kayak. Obviously the more skilful paddler is able to safely use their sea kayak in more advanced (rougher) conditions and on extended journeys. As such, the intended use is much more important than the inherent skill level.
For that reason characteristics such as speed, manoeuvrability, storage capacity, stability (initial and secondary) are the keys to the selection of an appropriate sea kayak.
Which paddle ?
The paddle. A word of advice. If you want to save money on your gear then save it so you can to spend it on the paddle. Buy, beg or borrow the best quality paddle you can find. It is in your hands the whole time that you are paddling and so can mean the difference between a great day out and an ordinary one. Light weight, strong and stiff construction are the catch words for paddles.
Besides the paddle there is a load of other things to consider.
- Safety items,
- Comfort items,
- Fashion items,
Something to think about !
A responsible attitude to safety is paramount to sea kayaking. A respect for the sea is critical. “Don’t argue with the sea, it will win every time! .
With that in mind, always wear a PFD

Meridian “Cygnet” Sea Kayak
Rivers, lakes, estuaries, bays, open ocean,,,
Novice to extreme adventurer…
The Meridian Cygnet Sea Kayak outperforms in all conditions.
A sea kayak especially designed for the recreational style paddler.

- Exceptional tracking in all conditions,
- Stability, easy edging,
- Lively acceleration.

Meridian “XP” Sea Kayak
Introducing the latest addition to our range of expertly designed and quality built sea kayaks.
In deigning the “XP sea kayak, we set out to produce a fast, yet stable and comfortable sea kayak ideally suited to multi day expedition or touring sea kayaking.
Hence, the Meridian “XP” sea kayak. An ideal expedition sea kayak for the more intrepid style of sea kayaking also with the ability to handle the toughest of sea conditions with ease. Stability, light weight, excellent tracking while still manoeuvrability and a fast pace.
These are the characteristics which have set the Meridian XP Sea Kayak apart.