Tuition Programs. Guaranteed more safety and fun in a kayak.

Surfing a Meridian Cygnet

Knowing how to enjoy the world of sea kayaking.

At Meridian Kayak we believe in putting the students’ needs first.  Every student comes to us with a new set of expectations and ambitions. 
It is our mission meet those expectations and to fulfil those ambitions . 

These courses will suit every paddler from the novice, having never paddled a sea kayak before through the skilled and experienced kayaker to outdoor adventure leaders seeking professional development opportunities. 

The sea can be a bit scary at first. The key to staying safe and enjoying your sea kayaking is developing self confidence in real paddling conditions .  The techniques are actually very simple.  Having the confidence to stay in the kayak, relax and use them when needed is the tricky part.  Our painless and  progressive instruction methods deal with these topics in detail.

Class sizes are small (max. 4 students to an instructor) to ensure  individual attention  A range of fully equipped sea kayaks is used to gain experience with different kayak handling characteristics.  Provided catering ensures fuel for the engine and protective clothing which ensures warmth and comfort.

Something to think about.  A responsible attitude to safety is paramount to sea kayaking.  A respect for the sea is critical. 
 “Don’t argue with the sea… ,  it will win every time!” 

A paddling tip! How to prevent injuries and save energy at the same time.

Which course for you?

Learning to safely and confidently negotiate surf.

Learning how to handle small waves and surf a sea kayak safely and confidently. An essential skill for sea kayaking.

An Introduction to Sea Kayaking (1 Day)

Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Courses. (2 or 4 Days)

Sea Proficiency and Advanced Sea Skills

Sea Instructor and Sea Guide Awards (PA) .