Knowing how to enjoy the world of sea kayaking.
At Meridian Kayak we believe in putting the students’ needs first. Every student comes to us with a new set of expectations and ambitions.
It is our mission meet those expectations and to fulfil those ambitions .
These courses will suit every paddler from the novice, having never paddled a sea kayak before through the skilled and experienced kayaker to outdoor adventure leaders seeking professional development opportunities.
The sea can be a bit scary at first. The key to staying safe and enjoying your sea kayaking is developing self confidence in real paddling conditions . The techniques are actually very simple. Having the confidence to stay in the kayak, relax and use them when needed is the tricky part. Our painless and progressive instruction methods deal with these topics in detail.
Class sizes are small (max. 4 students to an instructor) to ensure individual attention A range of fully equipped sea kayaks is used to gain experience with different kayak handling characteristics. Provided catering ensures fuel for the engine and protective clothing which ensures warmth and comfort.
Something to think about. A responsible attitude to safety is paramount to sea kayaking. A respect for the sea is critical.
“Don’t argue with the sea… , it will win every time!”
A paddling tip! How to prevent injuries and save energy at the same time.
Energy efficient and injury preventative paddling techniques!
To some these two may seem to be at odds with each other. However, they are the same as each supports the other.
Paddling Injuries mostly affect the wrists, forearms and shoulders and are usually associated with tendon strain, joint damage and nerve damage. Paddling injuries occur together with inefficient and energy wasting techniques.
How does this happen?
Raising the arms high in the air results in wasting energy. This often results in shoulder damage and forearm tissue damage.. Raising the upper arm above the shoulder joint causes undue wear and tear to the ball joint. As well as possible dislocation during a bump or capsize.
Holding the paddle too close to the body with the wrists bent results in reducing the leverage action. Excess force is applied to the wrists and forearms.
Wrists and forearms are affected when excess weight is placed on bent wrists and when hands and fingers are squeezed on the paddle as in “pulling” the stroke. This can affect blood supply to the fingers and nerves.
How to fix it?
ALL strokes require torso rotation. That means using the muscles in the upper body (back and abdomen) instead of the arms to do the work. When both shoulders rotate with the body, the arms, wrists and hands do not need to change shape or position on the paddle shaft. We call this the paddle “box” when the paddle shaft remains parallel to the paddler’s chest.
The upper hand will tend to push and the bottom hand to pull on the paddle shaft. Doing this will also relieve strain on the bicep muscles at the front of the upper arm.
A sea kayak is not a gymnasium. The effort required ought to be consistent and firm, not heavy and jerky.
Efficient technique will beat brute strength any day.
Which course for you?
Learning how to handle small waves and surf a sea kayak safely and confidently. An essential skill for sea kayaking.
An Introduction to Sea Kayaking (1 Day)
What is sea kayaking?
What’s the attraction?
Can I do this? Is it for me? How do I get started?
All your questions are answered on this specially designed
1 Day “Introduction to the sea kayak” course.
The aim is to simply get you acquainted with sea kayaking.
We begin with a tour of the sea kayak’s features (safety and convenience), accessories and gear used in sea kayaking.
Then onto the water for some energy efficient and injury preventative paddling techniques so you can make the kayak go where you want it to go. Once you are comfortable in the sea kayak, its off on a short tour of the surrounding waters possibly taking our lunch with us.
Along the way you will be introduced to rescue techniques and some seamanship theory such as weather, navigation, planning, etc.
NO previous experience is required as this course is designed for the novice in particular.
People with disabilities are encouraged to attend this course. Until you have a go you will never know what you are capable of.
The only prerequisite is a sense of fun and adventure as well as a desire to expand your horizons.
Sea Kayaking Fundamentals Courses. (2 or 4 Days)
A perfect introduction to the fundamentals of sea kayaking required to enjoy fun and safe sea kayaking. Watch a video..
The “Fundamentals” of these courses will build a good foundation for further skills development. Courses are delivered over either 2 days or 4 days depending on your availability. View / Download Course outlines here..
2 Day Intro Sea Skills Course or the
4 Day Intro Sea Skills Course format..
With effective instruction there is no sea kayaking skill too advanced for the beginner. The same techniques that apply in calm water also apply in advanced sea conditions ( only better done with more practice and experience). Instead of teaching beginners to paddle like beginners, we teach you how to start using and developing sound techniques.
That is why we prefer to call it “fundamental skills” rather than “beginner skills”.
The course content is mostly practical – sea kayak paddling skills with some theory covering seamanship such as a working knowledge of weather, tides, trip preparation, and responsibilities. The courses are conducted on sheltered waters with low waves up to 1/2 metre. The ideal primer to lakes and estuary paddling and a solid foundation for the more intrepid.
NO previous experience is required as both courses begin with basic stroke technique, rescues and seamanship theory.
From there on our 4 Days our fully qualified Sea Instructors will continue to progress you through more proficient skills of surf negotiation, coastal navigation, weather prediction and of course Inuit (Eskimo) rolling!.
The only prerequisite is a sense of fun and adventure and a moderate level of fitness.
Sea Proficiency and Advanced Sea Skills.
Building on the Fundamentals Sea skills, these instructional days are a fun way of developing and refining more skills to enjoy extended sea kayak touring. Practical skills days with surf up to one metre for Proficiency and two meters for Advanced. Plus expedition style
Surfing! Rolling! Expeditions! Stroke technique! Wow!
Sea Instructor and Sea Guide Awards (PA) .
Meridian Kayak offers opportunities for leadership training in the sea kayak industry. Globally, sea kayaking is the fastest developing nature based adventure activity with an increasing need for competent and well qualified staff.
Sea guides lead a variety of sea kayaking activities as well as extended expeditions into remote places and are responsible for the well being of their clients.
Sea Instructors are charged with the responsibility of instructing students in a broad range of sea kayak skills and knowledge.
Our innovative training programs are designed to equip adventure leaders with the necessary skills to secure employment in this exciting and growing industry.
Meridian Kayak has a variety of options to gain skills and qualifications.
All Australian Canoeing Inc. Sea Instructor competencies are covered in these courses.